Holistic well-being strategies | Spiritual wellness activities | Holistic well-being | Holistic health & well-being
In the everyday rush, you must take time to pause and set intentions to remain healthy. Performing activities to meet such intentions are termed rituals. Holistic well-being focuses on your overall wellness – physical, emotional, and spiritual.
References to daily rituals known as “Dinacharya” – an everyday practice focusing on routine, detoxification, and balance are found in the ancient science of Ayurveda. Balancing your doshas will help you maintain holistic health and well-being in the long run.
What can be included in these daily rituals?
Spiritual wellness activities like yoga and meditation, when included in the daily ritual, play a crucial role in holistic well-being. Performing regular Dosha balancing asanas every morning like Surya Namaskar, Balasana (child pose), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), and Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward dog), among other asanas, increases circulation and promotes calmness and strength.
Physical activities like Tongue Scraping, Oil Pulling, Abhyanga – ayurvedic oil massage, and Snana – ayurvedic bath are other activities to include in your holistic well-being strategies.
What your typical day could look like?
1. You can start your day with some stretching in bed. Then, head over and consume a glass of lukewarm water to aid in flushing toxins from your body. Consume balanced meals – rich in protein, carbs, and good fats.
2. While at work, don’t miss out on short breaks, including walks, especially after your meal. These steps will help you get closer to your holistic well-being goals.
3. And when you wind down after work, keep your phone away before bed. Take time to perform breathing exercises anytime during the day.
These are a must-include in your holistic wellness activities.
Knowing that incorporating activities can help you lead a healthier and happier life is the first step to establishing rituals. Learn more about what suits your body, mind, and soul – complete your quest for holistic health and well-being.
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